RNWB Infrastructure

  • Meaningful Recognition

    November 07, 2022

    In workplaces, failure to acknowledge the contributions of another is to ignore the basic human need of knowing one’s work has meaning and that one contributes to a cause greater than oneself.  Sherwood et al., 2018 Meaningful recognition perception has an inverse relationship to burnout and has been linked to job embeddedness increasing one’s perceived … Read more

  • Professional Governance and Shared Decision-Making

    Allowing employees to be involved in decisions that impact their work increases engagement and strengthens the voice of individual contributors. True professional governance and shared decision-making have direct care staff at the core of decisions impacting their practice and patient care areas, increasing their autonomy and validating their professional competence (1). Things organizations can do … Read more

  • Workplace Safety and Violence

    November 02, 2022

    Workplace violence and relational aggression are contributors to nurse burnout, turnover, and lack of engagement. By proactively addressing relational aggression and violence, organizations can have higher nurse engagement and reduce turnover intention (1). Healthcare organizations can work to improve the physical and emotional culture of safety within the workplace in the following ways: References:

  • Help-Seeking Behaviors

    October 28, 2022

    Nurses have experienced significant trauma since early 2020. Those working in emergency departments, critical care, medical-surgical, psychiatric, and mental health report higher stigma associated with seeking help. Studies indicate that nurses who may have a higher need for services, like other high-stress occupations, may be less likely to seek help. Organizations can take steps to … Read more

  • Food Availability and Break Space

    Nurses require personal space, privacy, quiet time, and preferably uninterrupted time out of the patient care area for meaningful rest breaks. Some ideal break spaces include: Access to nature, daylight, and fresh air (1). Physical access to the outdoors is preferred over window access. In break areas without access to the outdoors, plants can provide … Read more

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