The OCN Blog

OCN Recognizes Nurse Preceptors Across Oregon in 2021
It’s no secret Oregon’s entire nursing workforce is under immense pressure as pandemic surges and workforce shortages continue to frustrate healthcare providers. Maintaining a pipeline of registered nurses to provide

School Nurses Ready To Respond to COVID-19
Last month, when the Oregon Department of Education announced its new guidelines for school re-openings, one group was listening closely: school nurses. Before the pandemic, an Oregon school nurse’s job

OCN Donates 5,000 Face Masks to Protect Vulnerable Populations
The Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN), the state’s leading organization on nursing workforce issues, donated 5,000 disposable face masks to the Oregon Health Care Association (OHCA). “Given the recent news

Schools Transition to Virtual Simulation During Pandemic
As the COVID-19 pandemic descended in March 2020, colleges and universities across the United States closed classrooms and transitioned to Zoom lectures. Nursing programs, however, faced a unique challenge. Not

Finding Power Within the Pandemic
The year 2020 was supposed to be about a lot of things—the start of a new decade, the Year of the Nurse and Nurse Midwife, the Summer Olympics, and the

Report: The Intersection Between Practice Settings and Experience
The Oregon Center for Nursing (OCN) released a new report showing how nurses’ tendencies to work in certain practice settings change as they gain more experience. “The results clearly